South East Christian Rambling Club (SECRC) Privacy Policy April 2018

Who we are

The South East Christian Rambling Club SECRC organises walks, mainly in Kent and Sussex, which are set out in a programme. This policy sets out how we use your data and your rights with regard to how we use it.

Membership Data

What data we collect on the Membership Form

• Your Name, Address, Telephone number, Mobile telephone number, Email address, payment of membership subscription and certain details such as whether you are willing to lead walks or give lifts, and any points you have asked us to note.

How we use it

• Administering your membership and payment of subscription.

• To send you news and details of the programme and forthcoming walks, via email and / or post

• To help arrange leadership and/or management of walks and participation in SECRC and its events.

Photographs and Promotional Material on the SECRC Website and Social Media

We may take photographs at club events and these may be included in promotional material such as on SECRC's website, or on social media pages. By participating in our events, you are agreeing to your image being used for such purposes, unless you tell us to the contrary.

Sharing your data

We only use your data for the purposes stated above and we do not share your data with any third parties.

Secure Storage and Transfer of Data Within SECRC

Members’ personal data from their membership form will be stored in password protected files by the Membership Secretary and periodically backed up to an alternative secure location. Personal data will only be shared, and stored securely, with other committee members. Emails to club members should be sent BCC so that members are not given unnecessary, unconsented access to other members' email addresses.

Data Retention - How long will we keep your data for? _

We will hold your data on our Membership Database for three years from when your membership lapses.

Your right to access your data

If you would like to see a copy of the personal data that we hold on you, please contact SECRC (personally or via the website) In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation we will need the request to be provided in writing and to see photographic Identity and proof of address in order to confirm your identity before we can share the data with you.

Data Corrections

If any of your personal data held by us is incorrect or out of date, please tell us so that we can correct your data.

Deleting your data

If you would like to request that we delete your data from our records, please contact SECRC and we will do so providing there is no legal or contractual obligation for us to keep it.